
It provide an informed and critical perspective on a specific subject. They often discuss current trends, controversies, or future directions in a particular field, helping readers gain insights into the broader context of medical research and practice. The structure of a Perspectives article can be somewhat flexible, but it generally follows a format that allows for a coherent presentation of the author's viewpoint. 

1. Title: The title should clearly convey the focus of the article.
2. Abstract: Some journals may require an abstract for Perspectives articles, but others might not.
3. Introduction: This section introduces the topic and its relevance. The author may also explain their purpose in writing the article and provide a brief overview of the key points they will address.
4. Background or Context: Authors may provide essential background information or context to help readers understand the significance of the topic being discussed.
5. Main Points or Arguments: This is the core of the Perspectives article. The author presents their viewpoint, analysis, or opinion on the topic, supporting their arguments with evidence or references as appropriate.
6. Counterarguments (optional): In some cases, authors may address counterarguments or alternative viewpoints to demonstrate the complexity of the issue and strengthen their own perspective.
7. Implications and Conclusions: This section summarizes the main points discussed and outlines the implications of the author's perspective. It may also suggest future directions for research or clinical practice.
8. References: Just like any scholarly article, Perspectives articles should include a list of references to support the claims and statements made by the author.

Ethical Considerations: Ensures the article adheres to ethical guidelines regarding authorship, plagiarism, and data manipulation.
COI: Discloses any potential conflicts of interest that may have influenced.
Word Count: Abstract - up to 250 words and main text: 2000 to 3000 words
Referemces: Relevant and recent references (15 - 20)